Last week, when I was least expecting it, I hit 500 followers on Instagram. I know to some this may not seem like a lot, but to me this is a HUGE DEAL. 6 months ago I was struggling just to reach 100 followers. I know more than 100 people, yet I was still struggling to hit that number. It was hitting me hard, really bringing me down.

So do you want to know what I did? I stopped worrying about it. I didn’t stop doing everything I could to be seen and heard, I just stopped worrying about if random people were accepting my art or not. Then more people started following me. Not only following me, but liking my photos. Not only liking my photos, but commenting that they loved my art! THAT means the most. If you don’t think my paintings are thought provoking, my earrings are beautiful, or my embroidery art is funny, I don’t need to worry about whether you’re following my art to begin with.

It is so freeing!


That being said —— It’s GIVEAWAY TIME!!! Enter to win a pair or Leather Earrings OR a Get Naked sign (your choice!)


The Rules-

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook at RebeccaSteenArt

Like the Giveaway post on Instagram and share it

Tag a friend on the Giveaway post – the more you tag, the more chances you have to win!

Hope you’re having a great week!


Follow my blog with Bloglovin


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